Taking inspiration from Pilates and functional training principles, the Light TRNR Strength Band allows you to move restriction-free, using the force of elastic resistance to challenge your muscular strength, range of motion, and joint stability. Use it to perform a wide range of exercises that target your upper body, trunk, and lower body. Designed with durability and portability in mind, this versatile fitness accessory is engineered with a special composition, incorporating natural rubber latex interlaced in a complex webbing structure to deliver consistent progressive resistance workout after workout. Packed flat or rolled up, it will easily fit in any tight space, making it the perfect addition to any fitness routine on the go “ inside or out.
Light (Blue) weight range: 6.2-14.6 kg/13.7-32.2 lb
Performance webbing provides consistent progressive resistance
Durable, hand-washable, and hygienic
Featuring anti-slip strips to prevent the band from sliding during workouts
Extremely compact and travel-friendly
Colour-coded with weight equivalent to easily track progress
TRNR logo feature